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How To Squeeze Oil From Corn–BTMA

Corn is a very common crop, which is basically grown in rural areas. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the research and development of science and technology, many people have asked whether corn can be used for oil extraction? There are many corn germ oils on the market. Is this directly squeezed through corn?

Corn itself cannot be squeezed oil. Corn mainly contains starch. Only corn germ can squeeze oil. The oil yield of corn germ is about 30%. Using corn germ as raw material, the germ is extracted by a corn germ machine. After the germ is heated to a certain temperature in the frying pan of the oil press, it is sent to the corn germ oil press to be pressed to produce corn germ oil.

Corn germ oil is a good oil, and the profit is very considerable, but because the corn germ is tender, it is not so simple when squeezing the oil. If the corn germ is squeezed, the effect can be selected by the screw oil press. The first is an oil quality problem. The corn germ oil press is a hot press. After the oil enters the press chamber, it has been exposed to high temperatures. The color of the oil must be dark. There are no impurities, and the color looks good.

Therefore, if users want corn oil, they should choose corn germ for oil extraction, which can be purchased in food factories. The price of corn germ is also cheaper.

Источник: BTMA-How To Squeeze Oil From Corn
Учетная запись: BTMA
Дата: 07.12.21

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